Chapter of Orientation | 5000 years in 3 Days

| Day 1 – 2 |
starts with you discovering
India and your fellow travelers
Not through a guided tour
through a multi-city, multi-vehicle, multi-terrain

India has experienced its own journey of transformation.

5000 years back, India housed the most advanced civilization on Earth, whereas the rest of the world was dwelling in forests. By 3000 BCE, Indian Vedic physicians were pursuing brain surgeries and court historians were documenting life memoirs of rulers dating back to 7500 BCE with astonishingly detailed information on their family tree, time and location of birth and the world they lived in. Thousands of years later, the country had created the unthinkable - the world's first university, value of zero, Chess, cotton and it continued to rise until the colonization deeply wounded its cultural psyche and socio-economic standing. But India bounced back in a big way, and at the beginning of the 21st century, the country is on track to becoming the powerhouse it used to be.

This is India in nutshell, a country famous for assaulting the senses with powerful sights, smells, colors, tastes and people experiences. Where's a better backdrop to experience a transformation than this? And what better people to inspire and challenge you than your fellow travelers, with whom you will forge bonds of friendship as you undergo several challenges and triumphs.

India as a place and your fellow travelers as guides and friends will be the two catalysts and the two greatest characters in the story of your self-transformation. In this initial chapter, the goal is simple: to get you immersed in India through a team-based adventure. Along the way, you'll see India's ancient history unravel in front of your very eyes through the collective effort, passion and sense of wonder of the group.

Your journey begins at the beginning, with an orientation session. You'll meet your fellow travelers, learn about the race and receive your route books with instructions. Navigating India isn't easy, not even for an Indian. So each group gets its own set of Chapter Navigators –young Indian historians, who will help your group get around and reach the target destinations.

The boundary of this adventure includes four cities, each representing a key phase of India's story of transformation: Delhi, the political capital of India that bridges multiple cultures – Hinduism, Rajput, Mughal and even British; Gurgaon, the skyscraper city that houses offices of half the Fortune 500 companies and symbolizes India's rapid economic growth and Mathura and Vrindavan, the twin cities famed for being the birthplace of Hindu Deity Lord Krishna with endless cues to India's prehistoric era of spirituality and religion.

The race is divided into four phases of discovery, with each phase casting a net of puzzles on one of the four major eras of India's journey: The beliefs and worldviews of the prehistoric era (before 1500 BCE); the scientific and spiritual insights of the Vedic era (1500 – 500 BCE); the artistic and architectural innovations of the medieval era (500 – 1500 CE); and the colonial context and socio-economic turnaround that marks the modern era (1500 CE to today).

It goes without saying that the mysteries you will unravel will require you to not just visit interesting places, but also interact with scholars, monument keepers and locals to dig out the real answers. That's not all; if you chose, these moments of exhilaration; frustration and ultimate satisfaction will be captured on a video camera by one of your team members and can stay with you for life.