How We Contribute

Many of the greatest challenges facing organizations today are results of globalization and diversity.

This is where India commands a unique place for global organizations in three aspects. First, it is uniquely positioned to provide global businesses with not only a sizeable consumer base but also an extremely global workforce. Secondly, it is one of the most complex markets to do business in the world, where multinational organizations have more often than not learnt though a series of assignment failures. Thirdly and most interestingly, India offers a unique platform to train global managers and leaders for culturally diverse assignments.

Our endeavor is to leverage our abilities of designing transformative experiences in India for the purpose of creating global organizations, especially from an India perspective. Our programs help organizations comply with cultural diversity, whether at the management, human resources or marketing level. Our experiences can transform the potential of various stakeholders of a multinational organization from C+ Level executives, to global channel partners to internal sale and support staff to franchisees.

Our modus operandi for organizing such programs is simple: we work together with our partners in creating programs that can achieve the set objectives, whether it includes building an inspired and rejuvenated team, training global staff for multi-cultural assignments or learning the skills to lead a dynamic business in India. Needless to say, we take care of both the logistical burden as well as the onus of creating global programs that can truly transform the potential of an organization's talent pool.

Keep going to know some of our existing programs for Corporate institutions that will give you enough food for thought to plan your own.

Sample Offerings

These programs are just indicative of what we can do. If you can't find here what you are looking for, we would be more than excited to create something that will be even more relevant and impactful for your organization.

  • Global Ideation Summit (GIS)

    Global Ideation Summit (GIS)

    Path breaking ideas for future growth just need couple of seconds to take birth. However, it may take decades for organizations to find just the right environment to give birth to such path breaking ideas.

    GIS was conceptualized to provide multinational organizations with an unimaginable environment for ideation located thousands of miles away from the office cubicles. Such a summit may witness the congregation of a diverse group of global stakeholders - C+ level executives, sales and support staff, distributors & dealers, country representatives and other partners – with the common purpose of ideating landmark initiatives for future growth. Moreover, these ideation sessions are integrated smoothly with a series of transformative experiences designed by IFT team in consultation with the Client.

  • Expat India Cultural Immersion (EICI)

    Expat India Cultural Immersion (EICI)

    India as one of the most difficult spots to execute international assignments, second only to China. EICI is designed to assist leaders of multinational organizations including Country Managers, CEOs of Companies and leading executives – who are planning to invest a significant amount of time and effort in India

    Unlike typical expat training programs, EICI goes beyond the basic cultural learnings – verbal communication, cultures and customs, business etiquettes, social interactions etc. Rather, EICI lets participants discover India through a series of experiences that span social, cultural, business and political aspects of India. Our idea is not to purely inform participants of "dos and donts", but to let them understand India by immersing themselves in real life situations.

  • Intrapreneurial Transformation Retreat (ITR)

    Intrapreneurial Transformation Retreat (ITR)

    How do you build an organization that can build a team that acts the biggest entry barrier for its competitors?

    ITR is an initiative that helps organizations in building an extremely well bonded team of Intra-preneurs, wherein each team member acts as an entrepreneur within the company, and is as passionate about driving the long-term success of the organization as the founder herself. To achieve this change, participants are invited in India for a journey of transformation that is filled with a series of real life personal leadership and team based projects. These projects are typically short-term (spanning 5 hrs to 1.5 days) and are integrated in an exhilarating travel itinerary often spanning 8 – 10 cities. The idea behind these experiences is to go beyond theories and presentations, and deliver intense experiences to employees that can bond them together for years and inspire them to work like entrepreneurs within the company.

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